Architecture Details

In this assignment, our Profesor let us use whichever type of illustrative technique we’d like to use to describe or reflect something that captivates our attention. Something that inspires us about arquitecture and this being the reason why we want to pursue in studying it.

For this assignment I decided to use photography and photo editing programs to crate a composition of difrent photos, using shadows and light as my theme.

Measured Experiences….by Mariana Ortiz

In the last (in)forma 5 (Digital Narratives), which was given to us by our Profesor, there was one specific theme which intrested me the most. Comparing arquitecture and cinematography. it started stating how cinematography and architecture both require movement or action and depend on temporary dimension. Both of these create reality and it is in this era in which we are observing how both are being mixed constantly using one another. Now we usually see movies which depend solely on its architecture design, utilizing space perception as their selling point, letting the viewer simulate what is being proyected. On the pther hand, we are experiencing more architecture projects in which projections or technological advances make for creating more interactive spaces. A good example would be 3d mapping designs, where via projections on building fascades, one can alterate the perception of the viewers as you desire.

Good examples from architects and movies in which their works have architecture and cinematography working hand in hand would be Howler and Yoon Architects with their 2004 athens and their Hi/Low res projects, Christopher Nolan with Inception and Joseph Kosinski with Tron: Legacy.

Now days, with all the newer design programs and the internet etc. architecture does not have to be physical to create spaces. This is known as digital architecture, were complex calculations that delimit architects and allow a diverse range of complex forms to be created with great ease using computer algorithms. Ths can include for example, internet pages, web chatrooms etc. The new genre of “scripted, iterative, and indexical architecture” produces a proliferation of formal outcomes, leaving the designer the role of selection and increasing the possibilities in architectural design.

I personally am intrigued by this exact debate on digital atchitecture and is why one of my second year proyects is based on creating a digital arts center in Santurce Puerto Rico. I studied the arts district of santurce, including the Museum of Art, Contemporary arts museum, Central High school of arts, and all the other urban arts influenced locals in the area. I then analysed a connection between all of these places, creating an “arts district” and finishing this connection with my proposed building.

The proposal was a digital arts center which would have all this urban arts digitalized and exposed continuously to the public as 3d mapping on the buildings fascades. It facilitated the artist a place were they could come create and exhibit their art. It would also create an urban space were all the neighborhoods around could join and experience this interaction between architecture and art.

studio/ Behind the scenes

With this blog, I intend to let you in an architecture student’s mind throughout all of the design process. Step by step, from sketches,  conceptual ideas, presentations, renders , As well as posting up everything that catches my eye, new designs or works from other of my architecture coleagues. I’ll start by blogging about my past work, hand techniques like water painting and pen, final proyects and work collaborations outside of school later on. As an architecture students life, this blog is active 24/7 , enjoys energy drinks and lots of coffee. So be sure to leave a comment anytime you’d like.

Some of my works include:

First Year Conceptual Model- Final Project

Conceptual Material Unions 3D Model- Second Year

Condado Nightclub- Second year

Wind Tunnel Design Model Presentation

Santurc3 Design Process- Second Year